Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yell n tell ?

I've read reports of 7 identical people co-existing on earth at the same time. I've never met anyone who looks like me , hopefully will meet at least one in my lifetime (Would be wierd tho) If you want to go do something wild just go ahead and do it , you could always claim it to be one of the 7 identical person !!

There are these unique bunch who do not look alike / speak the same lingo , but share same habit - yelling . No it's not a virtue to possess .

I do belong to that category .. Dnt see myself falling into that bucket 10 years ago , now I can yell at family members and not feel guilty , terrible to possess this unique trait ,Working very hard to get this outta my system !!

When I was single and had no clue abt parenting. I would look at yelling kids and wonder why can't the parent just smack the kid and stop it or tell the kid they will be returned back to the baby shop from where they had been bought .

Today , being a mom myself , I can only empathise with those moms who have to deal with a yeller ,You can easily see tell from their eyes the helplessness .. Wanting to just bury their faces .

Better not to judge anyone on their behaviour , no one other than the person himself knows what they are going through.

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