Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Marriage ?

Coming together of a man and woman with lotsa blessings from god, family and friends is marriage ( which ideally u can do if you are in a serious relationship and are really committed and give a damn to what society thinks ).

During the wedding ceremonies both partners swear to be faithful, trustworthy and share abundance of love , it's a different question as to how long they will remember these , No really , if you are married for more than say 2 years try remembering the promises you made to each other . 

Marriage is very fragile it's build on promises n trust and can be broken very easily .Its like any relationship if u break it , you can fix it but cracks will surely show .You need love but more than that you need to maintain respect towards each other .

At times I wonder if two individuals can be together , have kids , buy houses and not be married ? Wonder how many such  people exist . God bless them !!

 Life becomes easier if we do not have much expectations ( I wouldn't say any , coz we are humans ) .
It's okay to fight with ur partner , don't expect a guy to come with a sorry coz he can't or doesn't know .you might have noticed him making up or saying sorry before marriage ..( Yeah he did coz he wanted you and the fear of loosing you made him say sorry ). Now things are different , you are married and he doesn't really have to say anything .You want to lead a peaceful life ..Ditch the ego and go make up !!

The first year of wedding is so full of adjustments , no fun without silly tiffs . You could have a fight , not speak with each other and not remember the reason behind the fight.

Most importantly quitting isn't the solution to anything . Staying in a relation and fighting is !!
Tomr will be a better day and you will not remember bitter things of the past.

Everytime you get low think of the happier times, think of all the excitement of the young bride .Remember the dreams of the young hearts !! Think of all the sweet things you shared and smile ..Give urself a pat and move along !! 

Today being  Maha shivaratri festival- Celebrating the union of Shiv and shakthi ..what better example can we get from the storybooks , they have been the most adored couple .Shiva has forever been known for loosing his cool and their fights are so famous it even resulted in the birth of the famous most adored god -Lord Ganesha !! 

Marriage has highs and lows and sometimes goes at a median pace . Enjoy the highs , brace yourself for the lows and cruise through the median !!

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