Saturday, March 28, 2015

My Ass has an Opinion !!!

This morning , I logged into my Facebook ( I have to stress this , as I felt like I was opening somebody else's account ) .. I was taken aback , unsure if  I could relate to people in India/ their thoughts .. Since these are on my FB they aren't strangers I bloody know them but can't quiet figure out WTF runs in their head .. And I'm sure they think the same about me !!
I can only see aggression with every single post .. I can see wanting to fight for women equality and voicing their opinions loud and clear ( which is good ) .. I can see anger towards everything the politicians say and sharing and echoing what few FAMOUS people say ( I'm not sure if a celebrity has the same IQ as a scientist and if the youth should follow and idolise and quote everything they post ).

I see them fight over every thing that gets taken out of internet and claim it to be their right .There should be rules , every parent must ensure the kids follow rules not because " log kya kehenge ( what will ppl say ) but because man is a social animal and needs to live in society with dignity ...same way govt has to come up with rules and censor stuff and take off few offending things as India is a country with still 50% below poverty line ..who don't know wat is right and wat happens in the internet world ( this is a separate topic altogether and I might need 2 pages to comment on that ) .. My point here is we can't post naked pics saying - " my body .. My right " for next min , your pic will be in a porn site !!
There is a thin line between what is right and what is your Right !!

People today seem to have lost their sense of humour , everything seems like a subject to argue about and fight over nothing .

Is the pressure to be free and liberated too much on the youth today that they have to pretend to sound cool and act cool ?? If you aren't physically and mentally free the whole crap you post on FB is meaningless . It really doesn't matter what u wear or where you travel or how you look .. If u think crappy you will always be a messed up piece of shit .... No matter what u post and pretend to have an (stolen) opinion .If you can't stick to your opinion .. Pls don't give one !!