Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Murphy's law

Murphy was indeed a smart guy .. No one would have thought of blaming all the screwups in our life to some law of nature !! 

Every time I run to the station and manage to reach on time , I  notice the train delayed by exactly 5 min , had I walked and saved on my energy , 100% chances are the train would have reached on time without delay and in the process i would have missed the train !! 

Today I left my desk and started rushing to catch my evening train back home , the lift took extra 2 min than usual time , I met a colleague on my way out and spent 3 more min conversing , I bid bye to everyone and started to run when the signal just turned red and I had to wait for 5 min to cross the road and finally after all the huffing and puffing , I reached the station just in time to see my train leave !!

Tho I was annoyed , very mad at the entire proceedings , I decided to blame it on Murphy !! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Brown ??

Okay I must admit , I did not consider myself to be brown .. I thought I was wheatish !! Yes honest to god , if you don't believe go to India millions of them claim to be wheatish !! I did not know the colour of my skin tone until I was of the marriageable age and ppl would ring my parents and ask them to describe me and my mom would sit on the phone and tell them my height and my education and where I was working and then I would hear her say wheatish complexion and then she would look for me and make me apply turmeric and milk cream on my face and tell me it would improve my skin tone -Trust me it did nothing !!

Then I travelled to US on work and heard ppl say white / black and brown - well I was told I can't use the word black it was offensive . How come no one told them using the term brown was offensive too .. I was wheatish and not Brown !!

However my son thinks he's white .. Try beating that !!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day - thank you note to a beautiful child !!

Over the years,I have had my doubts if I did the right job being a perfect mum, but looking at how my son has turned out to be he has put all my doubts to rest. I have been a vivid hater of mums who praise their kids but never in my wildest dream did I think I wud start doing the same . 

Every Mother's Day I have received hand prints : flowers , drawings . This year got a card , where my 4 yr olds teacher asked him why he loves his mom : this is what he said " I love my mom because I love her !! She cooks yummy food and takes me to the parks and loves being silly with me " there were drops of tears rolling outta my eyes when I read that !!

I love my son to bits , he's the best thing that has happened to me . He comes up with so many questions , I love the way his mind works , this Mother's Day he made me promise I wouldn't grow old and turn into a grand mother , he wants me to remain the way I am , jump and dance with him forever .. How cute !!!
He drew a pic of me with " jelly tummy " coz my tummy is wobbly ,let's say  that particular statement didn't go quiet well with me !!

2 days ago I had a migraine attack , had a splitting headache and was unable to sit , I couldn't believe what my son did , he put me in bed and covered me in blankets , switched off the lights and let me sleep , while he played in the other room and ate banana and waited till his dad came home to feed him . He constantly checked to see if I was sleeping .. How very considerate !! 

A few weeks ago.. I was complaining to my son on how an elderly man was advicing me and I dnt like it , my 4 year old looks up and says "mummy that's what happens if you talk to strangers , if you smile at him he will talk to you , he doesn't talk to me coz I don't smile " 
- I was dumbfound but agreed to take his advice !! 

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Love thy neighbour .. Said a Moron ?

Growing up I did not realise how my neighbours were an integral part of my life .. I assumed that's how it is .. I did not realise I can show my finger and walk away from all the rubbish .. Well I wudnt have , coz I was this ideal kid who wudnt raise her voice , who would listen to everyone , never argue , would even consider what my neighbours thought I should wear . 
I was constantly compared with my neighbours marks not coz my parents made tht remark but my neighbours would stop me and ask " how much marks you scored ?" , "why so less?", "too many distractions eh ?" " my brother in laws , cousins son has scored a very good score , he's very intelligent " . 
" wear bangles , bindi , some gold on your body " , " wear a dupatta " 

No these weren't by my parents but neighbours who had no business with my life . 

If ever I was seen with a guy then mostly I  was having an affair , hence the delay in my marriage . I would make fnds park cars one mile away from my house , coz I did not want people to talk rubbish . 

Now that I've moved away from all that shit I think why did I give someone a chance to talk about me , it would have been nicer to live the way I wanted . I was dumb or rather I was part of the same society and was too scared to break away ? Unsure of the answer !!