Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why did you leave India ??

If you are born Indian and living outta India have you been asked why did u leave India ? Well I get asked this very often almost all the time ..every get together with the Aussies start with why did u decide to Leave answers have varied depending on who asks them ..Below are few of my answers :
1) what goes around comes around : hundreds of yrs ago India was really really rich ppl from all over the world came to India and looted the richness n left the present generation we have decided to go out and restore back the lost wealth. ...and I laugh at the end of this answer and let the crowd stare into thin air .
2) Independance : In India we cannot do anything on our own have ppl to help you with literally everything ..maids/drivers/bhajiwaalas/doodhwaalas etc etc ..I wanted to be independent and do everything and more on my own without being dependent on anyone
3) Relatives : I wanted to run away from all the inquisitive neighbors and relatives that exist in the so called society who want to interfere in every damn thing and give their piece of advice even if not asked ...I was tired of pretending to like ppl inspire of disliking them to the core ...I really wanted to get away from that shit

But i have never said corruption/poverty/politics/system/cleanliness/pollution as the reasons ever coz I think i grew up in an environment where it was ok for the above mentioned things to exist was never considered as wrong/ bad state was all part of the "Indian" experience /culture ...crazy but true ...there may be many things wrong or bad in India but it has the power to pull me back ..I wanna keep visiting ..I miss it everyday and I love the country dearly 

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