Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Love thy neighbour .. Said a Moron ?

Growing up I did not realise how my neighbours were an integral part of my life .. I assumed that's how it is .. I did not realise I can show my finger and walk away from all the rubbish .. Well I wudnt have , coz I was this ideal kid who wudnt raise her voice , who would listen to everyone , never argue , would even consider what my neighbours thought I should wear . 
I was constantly compared with my neighbours marks not coz my parents made tht remark but my neighbours would stop me and ask " how much marks you scored ?" , "why so less?", "too many distractions eh ?" " my brother in laws , cousins son has scored a very good score , he's very intelligent " . 
" wear bangles , bindi , some gold on your body " , " wear a dupatta " 

No these weren't by my parents but neighbours who had no business with my life . 

If ever I was seen with a guy then mostly I  was having an affair , hence the delay in my marriage . I would make fnds park cars one mile away from my house , coz I did not want people to talk rubbish . 

Now that I've moved away from all that shit I think why did I give someone a chance to talk about me , it would have been nicer to live the way I wanted . I was dumb or rather I was part of the same society and was too scared to break away ? Unsure of the answer !!

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