Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Diet is a four letter word !!

If only it was harder to gain weight and easier to loose ,half of the problems in this world would be lost . Coming to think of it half of the food industry would be on profit ,maccas and KFC would be minting more than they currently are. The medical  industry wud be on loss !!

I have learnt the hard way , I cannot diet my simple mantra is "eat healthy" and walk as much as possible ( doesn't seem to reduce my tummy fat , but what the hell sounds cool and feels good to know I have my very own mantra ).

I am a foodie by birth , blame my culture and parents for introducing yummy food.
I cannot resist food and if something has chocolate / ice cream I cannot resist .

I cannot resist pastas, sea food, meat - basically I cannot resist food . So I have decided to go my way - portion control !!

I try to restrict and limit how much I eat the entire day , eat every 2 hrs but the culprit is dinner time I overindulge in high carb diet and to top it my husband says "ice cream " at 11 pm in the night and I try to say "no thanks " but then I can't go to bed with my mind and tummy craving for ice cream and  then the inevitable happens , I fall off the entire diet cycle . 

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