Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Would you Hurt ??

I see how complicated the 4 letter word love is !! I donno if i would love sumone soo much that i would wanna hurt him if he ever turns against me ..I guess not ..I wud be like "whatever "Tell all my fnds how happy i am that i am off him ..I wud call him names ..and then juss let goo than thinking of Really causing him to loose out on his job / Hurt him soo muchh that he wud hate to even think i ever existed ...it was really a sight to see T describe abt his love towards the woman who back stabbed him ..he was sooooo out to take revenge and make her life miserable ..felt bad to see the way he was obsessed ..and i thought all these obsessions exist in Hindi cinema -Duh !! ...this is a crazy little world where people are juss not sure of anything.. all they wanna do is juss have sum fun ..I donno to what extent but thennn ...the whole thing is soooo very wierd !! I thought love is sharing and loving and juss letting the other person do what ever he/she wishes never having to ask questions but getting answers to them even before u wanna ask ..How beautiful it wud seem if this is love ..Do i sound like the wannabe author of sum M n B book ?? Trust me its been quiet a long time since i read sucha buk and derived any kinda romantic BULLSHIT ideas from it ...ive learnt it the hard way that there is no SUCH thing as TRUE LOVE ...it is the age that makes us have mixed feelings and we react to it in a particular way and think we are in LOVE.. I did try telling T that its not right to hurt sumone if he truly loved ..but thenn who wud wanna listen to da poor soul


liz said...

I just wanna tell u that ur one of the few ppl who still has a good heart.....no malicious, selfish intentions......ur a good kid....and someday when the right guy finds u.....he'll know how extremely lucky he is to be loved by you....till then, don't change, don't listen to ur silly friends....follow ur heart....u know u have it in the right place!

liz said...

I'm sorry ur friends are not silly.....they are a step ahead of you, when it comes to pulling off retarded stunts!!

aquarianalien said...

ditto!!! keep the faith..right now i have a bitter aftertaste ..but tht wasnt love no way!! waiting for IT to happen with bated breath.. and dontcha worry ur mnb hero is on his way;)