Over the years,I
have had my doubts if I did the right job being a perfect mum, but looking at how my son has turned out to be he has put all my doubts to rest. I have been a vivid hater of mums who praise their kids but never in my wildest dream did I think I wud start doing the same .
Every Mother's Day I have received hand prints : flowers , drawings . This year got a card , where my 4 yr olds teacher asked him why he loves his mom : this is what he said " I love my mom because I love her !! She cooks yummy food and takes me to the parks and loves being silly with me " there were drops of tears rolling outta my eyes when I read that !!
I love my son to bits , he's the best thing that has happened to me . He comes up with so many questions , I love the way his mind works , this Mother's Day he made me promise I wouldn't grow old and turn into a grand mother , he wants me to remain the way I am , jump and dance with him forever .. How cute !!!
He drew a pic of me with " jelly tummy " coz my tummy is wobbly ,let's say that particular statement didn't go quiet well with me !!
2 days ago I had a migraine attack , had a splitting headache and was unable to sit , I couldn't believe what my son did , he put me in bed and covered me in blankets , switched off the lights and let me sleep , while he played in the other room and ate banana and waited till his dad came home to feed him . He constantly checked to see if I was sleeping .. How very considerate !!
A few weeks ago.. I was complaining to my son on how an elderly man was advicing me and I dnt like it , my 4 year old looks up and says "mummy that's what happens if you talk to strangers , if you smile at him he will talk to you , he doesn't talk to me coz I don't smile "
- I was dumbfound but agreed to take his advice !!